Taxes in America : what everyone needs to know / Leonard E. Burman and Joel Slemrod.

Burman, Leonard.
Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, c2013.
Added to CLICnet on 07/12/2013

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  • Includes bibliographical references (p. [231]-250) and index.
  • How are we taxed? The view from 30,000 feet Personal income taxes Business income taxes Taxing spending Other kinds of taxes — The costs and benefits of taxation. Taxes and the economy The hidden welfare state The burden of taxation Tax administration and enforcement — A tour of the sausage factory. Misperceptions and reality in the policy process Snake oil Tax reform.
  • Most contemporary Americans know little about how their tax system works. But with heated debates over taxation now roiling Congress and the nation, an understanding of our tax system is of vital importance. In this book the authors, both tax scholars, offer explanations of how our tax system works, how it affects people and businesses, and how it might be improved. Organized in a question-and-answer format, the book describes the intricacies of the modern tax system. The authors begin with the basic definitions of taxes and then delve into more complicated and indeed contentious concerns. They address such questions as how to recognize Fool’s Gold tax reform plans How much more tax could the IRS collect with better enforcement? How do tax burdens vary around the world? Why do corporations pay so little tax, even though they earn trillions of dollars every year? And what kind of tax system is most conducive to economic growth? They discuss key issues such as the large number of social programs hidden in the tax code, how taxes affect the economy, how the burdens of taxation are distributed, and the costs of running the tax code on both the IRS and taxpayers. They also dive into the political process, the genesis of ill-advised tax ideas, and options to improve the tax system. With the U.S. struggling to recover from the deepest economic recession since the 1930s, facing a mountain of debt, it is important for Americans to understand the tax system. This book describes modern tax realities, and educates Americans about the issues in the debate about tax reform.


Requested by Gilsdorf, K

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